Friday, June 13, 2008

Troop 66 Court of Honor - 6/13/08

Congratulations to all of our Scouts who advanced in rank

Lue - Life
Karl - Star
Ryan O, Grant - Second Class
Jules, Adam, and Matt He - Tenderfoot

Cobras and Silver Wolves earned their Scout ranks!

32 Merit Badges were earned and Matt Hu earned the World Conservation Award

Also, Mrs C received the prestigious Lutheran Lamb religious award

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Snipe Hunt Photos

Greetings from Troop 66,

My thanks to Conor for taking these great pictures from the New Glarus campout last month.

When I was going through these pictures, I discovered a shadow in one of the pictures that was actually a SNIPE! I used special image enhancement software to pull the picture out of the shadows (which explains the unusual coloring for the common snipe).

The results speak for themselves! Well done, Conor! This is a FIRST!! Troop 66 finally captured a snipe! (although only in a picture!)

Best wishes,
Mr. C

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Troop Meeting - 5/30/08

Greetings from Troop 66!

We had a very busy meeting this Friday. Among the many accomplishments were:
1. Had our Summer Camp meeting
2. Had an Order of the Arrow Election - sorry results are kept until the callout at Summer Camp!
3. Had our new Scouts from Pack 67 form a patrol! They are now the Silver Wolf Patrol!
4. We had a number of Scoutmaster Conferences and Boards of Review
5. We had a game night for the Scouts as we close out our 07-08 Scouting Year

Just a reminder, the Scout Court of Honor (CoH) is scheduled for Friday, June 13th.

For the new Scouts, a CoH is very similar to a Cub Scout Blue & Gold ceremony. The CoH is where rank advancements, merit badges, and other recognition takes place.

Looking forward to seeing you there.

Mr. C