Thanks for Mary Morgan Ryan for suggesting this new tradition for Troop 66.
Please see her email below:
At tonight's troop meeting, the scouts expressed interest in starting a new troop tradition: going on a troop high adventure trip every other year! What a great way to have fun and grow as an individual and a troop.
We talked about the three BSA high adventure options, which are Florida Sea Base, Philmont Scout Ranch (New Mexico), and the Northern Tier (Minnesota). Please check out this web page for links to all three adventure bases and the activities offered here.
High adventure activities are open to Boy Scouts ages 14-18, so there is a window of time for each scout to participate. If we go every other year, each scout would likely have two chances to go on a troop high adventure trip.
On the off years, we would plan a shorter, less expensive trip, such as our recent trip to Canada, that all scouts in the troop could attend. And not to worry, our very successful and enormously fun annual week of summer camp for all scouts in the troop would continue!
These trips require extensive planning, training, and fundraising, so we are aiming to begin our new tradition in the summer of 2011 and continue in 2013, 2015 and so forth.
We are in the discussion phase of all of this, so I am asking all scouts and their parents to submit ideas for high adventure trips! Please contribute your thoughts, questions and opinions by emailing me at marymorganryan@comcast.net.
Mary Morgan Ryan